Find on this page our webinars of the DigitalWorkplace Days summer 2020 of our partner Jalios. #DWDays
We’ll show you how to deploy a harmonized, efficient intranet. The aim? Centralize all the information and documents you need to work alone and as part of a team. All the while taking into account the social nature of the platform, linked to governance and support for the players involved.
You’ll be inspired and equipped to define and develop the uses of your collaborative tools!
2 complementary webinars to watch!
Hosted by our Jalios experts, watch our webinars now on the technical and organizational aspects of a Digital Workplace project with Jalios.
WEBINAR 1: The Digital Workplace at the heart of the IS (Office connectors, EDM, HR tools)
Very often, an organization has a multitude of existing tools and workflows in its digital ecosystem, resulting in a degree of disorganization in their use. To facilitate day-to-day work and exchanges between employees, it is preferable to have a common digital foundation: a Digital Workplace. The aim of a Digital Workplace with Jalios is to fit into the existing information system, while integrating and centralizing connectors for Office 365, EDM and HR tools, for example. Let’s take a look at how to organize your future IS.
WEBINAR 2: Rapid intranet deployment – attention to governance and change management
More than just a tool, an intranet must reflect the organization’s productivity, culture and social interaction. To ensure consistency in the proper use of the intranet, we need to consider all the elements that revolve around it (from the design project, through to its animation and the organization of the company itself). In this webinar, we’ll provide you with key elements for organizing your project.
DWDays Winter 2020
Find out more about our presentations at the Jalios Winter 2020 DWDays on our website. Click here to access our materials.
Back to the program of this second edition:
- Tuesday, December 2:
Round Table: Relationship and Commitment
Expert voice: Management and the Digital Workplace in telecommuting - Friday December 4:
MasterClass: How to structure information and access to applications in a Digital Workplace? – limited to 20 places