To bounce back from this particular crisis, where teleworking was booming, Jalios created Digital Workplace Days. Reorganized in a hurry, management and employees built a temporary organization by quickly equipping themselves with digital tools. But to make this new organization sustainable by adapting to the next challenges offered by this crisis, a few best practices are worth sharing!

Join us from June 30 to July 2 at the Jalios virtual trade show. We’ll be offering our advice and expertise on how to set up a successful digital ecosystem. What’s on the agenda? Technical and organizational, two fundamental pillars for deploying a Digital Workplace!

Round tables, sessions and demo workshops will feature

To host these webconferences, various players in the field will be on hand to discuss the rich subject of collaborative platforms. Register now for our 5 events!

June 30


Round table (1h30)
New ways of working and managing: how to reassure, mobilize and support all employees?


Session (25min)
The Digital Workplace at the heart of the IS (Office connectors, EDM, HR tools)

July 1st


Session (25min)
Rapid intranet deployment – attention to governance and change management

July 2


Demo workshop (1h10)
The Digital Workplace in everyday life: benefits and uses #Com #RH


Session (25min)
Jalios VS Communicating tools (Teams, Meet, …). Let’s make them communicate

Our speakers

Director Digiwin Nantes,
Digital Workplace Expert

Philippe SERRES
Service Center Manager,
Digital Workplace Expert

Digital Consultant,
specializing in Change Management