Hybrid teleworking has become more essential than ever. Many questions arise concerning the tools to be deployed and the internal organization to be rethought. How should information be structured in a Digital Workplace? How can we foster creativity from a distance? How can we anchor new uses over the long term? How can we make digital accessible to all?

For this 4th edition, the DWD Winter is transformed to offer you advice for 3 months with new, even more dynamic formats: Live Experts, Masterclasses, Round Tables!

Join us from October 19 to December 9 at the 4th Jalios virtual exhibition. We’ll be providing advice and expertise on how to set up your future collaborative intranet and its ecosystem.

Live experts, masterclasses and round tables!

These webconferences will be hosted by various players in the field, who will be on hand to discuss the rich subject of collaborative intranets. Register now for our 4 presentations!

October 21

Masterclass (1h15)
How to structure information and access to applications in a Digital Workplace?

November 16

Live experts (45min)
To be engaging, internal communication must constantly reinvent itself. What are the latest trends? How can creativity be enhanced?

In this live session, we’ll answer your questions!

November 30

Live experts (45min)
A legal requirement for all public-sector establishments, digital accessibility is now being extended to private-sector companies. Does this also apply to internal sites? How do we go about it?

In this live session, we’ll answer your questions!

December 9

Round table (1h15)
With our customer from the Fédération Nationale des Cuma
Intranet, extranet and Digital Workplace: the uses for federating, communicating and animating communities in the long term to come

A new format this year: Live Experts! If you like the theme, we invite you to ask your questions now on our events page, by clicking on Submit a question. We’ll answer them live!

Our speakers

Philippe SERRES
Managing Director

Digital Consultant

Jordi VILA
Accessibility expert

Thomas LEGAT
Project Manager,
Jalios Expert

Sophie Orivel - FNCuma - Communication Manager

Communications Manager
– FN Cuma