Telecommuting has been booming for over a year now. New digital uses have emerged, greatly facilitating adoption and interest in the digital workplace. However, this flood has brought a multitude of tools into the digital ecosystem, and raised questions in organizations.

It’s time to rethink our ecosystem to meet the challenges of tomorrow: teleworking, harmonized tools, remote management and commitment!

Join us from May 18 to 20 at the 3rd Jalios virtual exhibition. We’ll be there to provide advice and expertise on how to set up your future collaborative intranet.

Hosting roundtables and masterclasses!

To host these webconferences, various players in the field will be on hand to discuss the rich subject of collaborative intranets. Register now for our 2 events!

May 19

Round table (1h35)
Individual and collective effectiveness:
How can we reconcile individual and collective effectiveness to work together over the long term?

May 20
10:40 a.m.

Masterclass (1h20)
How to structure information and access to applications in a Digital Workplace?

Our speakers

Philippe SERRES
– Consulting Director

– Digital Consultant

Ekaterina MELYKIAN
– Digital project manager